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Product design

Art direction







Product design

Art direction




For Noon, we delved into high-performance teams' well-being. While chatting with managers we discovered how they track their teams' performance and try to prevent burnout. Surprisingly, guesswork was common. This was our 'Aha!' moment—a perfect opportunity. We aim to remove the guesswork and incorporate well-being data. Once we knew our direction, we launched Noon's first version for our launching partners in just 10 weeks.

For Noon, we delved into high-performance teams' well-being. While chatting with managers we discovered how they track their teams' performance and try to prevent burnout. Surprisingly, guesswork was common. This was our 'Aha!' moment—a perfect opportunity. We aim to remove the guesswork and incorporate well-being data. Once we knew our direction, we launched Noon's first version for our launching partners in just 10 weeks.

Key insights

Key insights


Most teams leave well being up to a lot of guesswork which does not really work in a hybrid envorionment.

Lack of understanding

Teams lack understanding and vocabulary. Therefore hardly anyone talks about well being at work.

Dashboard — Your personal dashboard informs you about work life area's. Which give you a better understanding of your well being.

Dashboards — Besides your personal dashboard you can also view the aggregated team dashboard

Slack integration — We designed Noon from the start with the idea to integrate with Slack, so that we can minimise distraction from your work

Daily interaction — By giving you bite size insights on your well being we intend to coach you to a better work life balance

Reporting — Monhtly, quarterly, yearly reports help keep you and your team engaged to improve well being

Founders — HJ and Saul. The well being heroes behind Noon.

Team photos — We photographed all team members with the question ‘what gives you joy at work?’

Goals for version 1

Goals for version 1

Introduce well being data

By introducing data we help teams understand their well being better.

Help teams talk about well being

By introducing the work life area's, we give teams the vocabulary to talk about well being in a meaningful way.

Help teams talk about well being

By introducing the work life area's, we give teams the vocabulary to talk about well being in a meaningful way.

Help teams talk about well being

By introducing the work life area's, we give teams the vocabulary to talk about well being in a meaningful way.

Minimize effort

With the Slack integration we can minimise effort and improve engagement.


Make it very clear that your dashboard and data can only be viewed by you.


With reports we help teams see the benefits of actively working on well being.

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Are you in need of a super tasty product or brand?

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Are you in need of a super tasty product or brand?

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